Imagine you’re in a picturesque park, surrounded by nature and geometric elements. Let’s explore fundamental geometrical concepts in this park setting:
- Trees – Vertical Lines:
- The tall trees in the park can be visualized as vertical lines. Imagine these lines extending from the ground, reaching up to the sky. This represents the concept of vertical lines in geometry.
- Pathways – Line Segments:
- The pathways crisscrossing the park represent line segments. They connect different areas of the park, and you can measure their lengths, exploring the concept of line segments.
- Circular Fountain – Circles:
- The central fountain is a beautiful circular structure. The outer edge of the fountain and the ripples in the water form perfect circles. You can appreciate the properties of circles, such as the radius and diameter, as you admire the fountain.
- Bench – Rectangle:
- A park bench can be seen as a rectangular shape. The seat, backrest, and legs form a simple rectangle. This allows you to visualize the properties of rectangles, including length, width, and right angles.
- Gardens – Area and Perimeter:
- Imagine well-maintained flower beds in the park. You can explore the concepts of area and perimeter by considering the space enclosed by the flower beds. The perimeter would be the length of the flower bed’s boundary, and the area would be the space inside.
- Bridges – Angles and Polygons:
- If there’s a bridge over a pond or stream, notice the angles formed by the bridge’s supports. These angles represent geometric angles. Additionally, you can observe the shapes of the bridge supports, which may form polygons.
- Sunset Shadows – Similarity:
- As the sun sets, observe the shadows cast by different objects. If a shorter object and a taller object both cast shadows, you can explore the concept of similarity. The shadows maintain the same proportions as the objects, demonstrating similarity in geometry.
- Topiary Sculptures – Symmetry:
- If the park features topiary sculptures or trimmed hedges, pay attention to their symmetrical shapes. Symmetry is evident when one side of the sculpture mirrors the other, creating a visually pleasing and balanced effect.
By strolling through this geometrically rich park, you can actively engage with fundamental geometric concepts, turning a leisurely walk into an educational and visually delightful experience.
Geometrical Park Working Model Making
Creating a geometrical park working model that includes various geometric concepts such as circle parts, quadrilateral shapes, lines and triangles, angles, and sets can be a comprehensive and engaging project.
Below is a guide to help you make a basic geometrical park model with these elements using cardboard and other materials:

Materials Required:
- Cardboard
- Color papers
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Craft knife or scissors
- Glue or tape
- Markers or colored pencils
- Compass
- Protractor
- Split pins (brads)
- String or yarn (optional)
Step by Step video instructions making of geometrical park working model:
- Create the Park Base:
- Cut out a large square or rectangular piece of cardboard to serve as the base of your geometrical park.
- Divide the Park into Sections:
- Use color papers to create different sections for each geometric concept. For example, use one color for the circle area, another for quadrilaterals, another for lines and triangles, and so on.
- Circle Area:
- Create a circular area using color paper to represent circle parts. Cut out sectors, semicircles, and concentric circles to showcase different aspects of circle geometry.
- Quadrilateral Shapes:
- Cut out and assemble different quadrilateral shapes using color papers. Display squares, rectangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids in a designated area of the park.
- Lines and Triangles:
- Use color paper to create lines and triangles. You can represent parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and various types of triangles. Arrange them in a section of the park.
- Angles:
- Represent angles using color papers. Cut out angle shapes and label them with their measurements. Place them in the park to demonstrate different angles and their properties.
- Sets:
- Use color-coded sets to represent different groups of geometric elements. For example, use one color for all circles, another for quadrilaterals, and so on. Display these sets in the park with labels.
- Label Structures:
- Write labels on each structure or section to indicate the specific geometric concept it represents.
- Optional: Hanging Decorations:
- Cut out geometric shapes from color paper and hang them from the top of the park using string or yarn to add a decorative element.
- Interactive Elements (Optional):
- Use split pins (brads) to create rotating elements or movable parts. For example, you can create a rotating wheel to demonstrate different angles.
- Decorate and Enhance:
- Use markers or colored pencils to add details, decorations, and other elements to enhance the visual appeal of the park.
- Test and Demonstrate:
- Arrange the elements in the park and test any interactive features. Present the geometrical park working model, explaining each structure and its relevance to various geometric concepts.