math park model making featuring various maths theorems

Creating a math park model featuring various theorems can be a fantastic way to make abstract mathematical concepts more tangible and enjoyable. Below is a guide to help you create a basic math park model using cardboard and color papers, focusing on theorems: Materials Required: Math’s Theorems to Include: Video step by step Instructions on … Read more

geometrical park working model maths exhibition

Imagine you’re in a picturesque park, surrounded by nature and geometric elements. Let’s explore fundamental geometrical concepts in this park setting: By strolling through this geometrically rich park, you can actively engage with fundamental geometric concepts, turning a leisurely walk into an educational and visually delightful experience. Geometrical Park Working Model Making Creating a geometrical … Read more

trigonometry park working model using cardboard and color papers

Trigonometry using this park scenario Imagine you’re in a beautiful park with walking paths and trees. In this park, there’s a majestic fountain at the center. Now, let’s introduce some elements of trigonometry using this park scenario. By bringing trigonometry into the park, you can visualize angles, distances, and relationships between various elements. The park … Read more

working model to square of a number using cardboard

Creating a working model to illustrate the square of a number using cardboard can be a hands-on and interactive project. Below is a simple guide to help you make a model that demonstrates the concept of squaring numbers: Materials: Step by Step Square Number Working Model :

Working model of Roman numerals using cardboard

Roman Numerals Introduction: Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and were used throughout the Roman Empire. They are still used today in certain contexts, such as numbering chapters or sections in books, indicating centuries, and numbering the pages of prefaces and introductions. The Roman numeral system uses a combination of … Read more

working model of a circle parts using color paper and cardboard

Circle Parts Introduction: A circle is a fundamental geometric shape defined by all points equidistant from a central point. Understanding the various parts of a circle is crucial in geometry and mathematics. Here’s an introduction to some key parts of a circle: Working model of a Circle Parts Creating a working model of a circle … Read more

Working model of a unit of time using cardboard

Unit of Time Introduction: Time is a fundamental dimension in the measurement of events and durations. It is a concept that helps us understand the sequence of events and the intervals between them. The unit of time is used to quantify and express these durations. Common Units of Time: Specialized Units: working model of a … Read more

Working model to Triangle Angle Sum Theorem

Creating a working model to illustrate the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem using cardboard and syringes can be a creative and interactive project. The Triangle Angle Sum Theorem states that the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees. Materials: Step by Step working model of Triangle Angle Sum … Read more

trigonometric ratios table working model for math’s exhibition

Creating a trigonometric ratios table working model with cardboard boxes can be a tactile and engaging way to illustrate the relationships between the angles and trigonometric ratios. Below is a step-by-step guide: Materials: Step by Step Instructions trigonometric ratios table working model:

Types of triangle working model science exhibition

Creating a working model to showcase different types of triangles can be an engaging and educational project. Below is a guide for creating a simple working model that illustrates various types of triangles using cardboard and other materials. Materials: Step by Step Video Instructions on Types of triangle working model science exhibition

Coordinate Geometry formulas Working model

Coordinate geometry, also known as analytic geometry, involves the use of algebra and geometry to study geometric shapes using a coordinate system. The basic framework for coordinate geometry is the Cartesian coordinate system, where points are represented by ordered pairs (x, y). Let’s discuss some fundamental formulas and concepts in coordinate geometry along with examples: … Read more

trigonometric ratios working model | maths projec

Let’s consider a right-angled triangle to understand the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent. Suppose we have a right-angled triangle ABC, where angle A is the right angle, and angles B and C are acute angles. The sides of the triangle are labeled as follows: step by step video on making … Read more

maths working model ideas for class 8

Creating a math working model can be a fun and effective way for students to understand mathematical concepts. Here are 50 math working model ideas suitable for class 8: Math’s Pythagorean Theorem Demonstration: Pythagorean Theorem Working Model #1 Pythagorean Theorem Working Model #2 Pythagorean Theorem Working Model #3 Area and Perimeter of Geometric Shapes: Build … Read more